“What happens if I let the light in?
What happens if I decide to be happy for no reason at all? What if I decide to be kind to myself? What if I choose to love unconditionally? What if I choose to live just in this moment and not in the hopes of tomorrow? What if I smile at today’s mess instead of yesterday’s perfections? What if I let expectations cease and pave the way for curiosity? What if I choose my needs over the wants of others? What if I choose to be me and not what others want to see? What if I choose to simply be?” -d.h.
“I don’t want to be here
But I know not where else to go There is too much noise here But silence isn’t where I want to be. For its in silence That fear crumbles — when courage makes its way, And the lies fade away — the ones we tell ourselves, And we make friends — With the flaws in us we judge. I’m not ready—- To bear those fruits, Not today, not just yet.” — d.h. (Would love to hear your thoughts or comments) “I belong nowhere
And to no one. I am not ensnared By the afflictions That bind the heart. I am free. I am love.” — d.h. (Please your thoughts/comments/feedback - would love to read them!) |
May 2024